The only thing sadder/creepier then the site itself is the warning that appears above a list of film titles...
via Boing Boing
And now.....The Just if you were wondering spot!!!!!..... The compiler of this web site has watched umpteen Space movies and TV series scouring for the lesser spotted Space Suited woman...and can confirm that none of the following movies feature any such thing..although Space Suited Men are found in all of them......You have been warned!!!!!
Yeah, it would be heartbreaking to settle down at home, pop a copy of Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun in the DVD player expecting to see babes in spacesuits only to end up totally unsatisfied. What were the directors of these movies thinking when they made them femme-astronaut free? It's simply not natural.
To say that "I just don't get it" is an understatement. Though the companion pages dedicated to Scuba Gear and Deep Sea Diving outfits make slightly more sense.
Killer Fish (1978): Look out for Karen (BlacK) in a full black shiny wetsuit complete with Hood and Gloves at about three quaters into this one. She dives alone looking for treasure but with Pirahna ready and waiting!!!!
Boing Boing also features a link to a "girls wearing headphones" fetish gallery.
Now I really don't get it.