Link: Screen Cuisine: 125 Films About Food | yum!.
During my research, I've discovered that there are a disturbingly large number of "cannibalism" films out there. I had to limit myself to selecting only those which dealt directly with food, eating establishments and/or gluttony. The fact that I have recently moved into a neighborhood which seems to be populated almost entirely by nocturnal flesh-eating zombies makes me wonder. Why there are so many people-eater films? Are they based on true stories? Frightening thought! Another thing I've learned while compiling this list is that, whenever meat pies are featured in a film, they are invariably human meat pies. I've labelled all of the "meat pie" movies with this handy meat pie icon: so you can be forewarned. I didn't mark all of the a cannibal movies, since that might spoil the "surprise" element in a lot of them. Just the meat pie movies.