Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy - DVD
Brilliant! A work of staggering comic genius - and that's not just the 600ml or so of cheap chardonnay I'd recently consumed talking - Anchorman is the kind of comedy that cults will grow up around, college courses will be taught about and decades from now will be hailed as a true masterpiece. Will Ferrell, who I'm not always a huge fan of, is phenomenal, fully committed to his character - Christina Applegate displays some serious comic acting chops and the script - and the insane improv it allows for - is a gem. The fantastic suppoprting cast features the likes of Fred Willard, Steve Carell and Paul Rudd.
Well okay, maybe some of it is the chardonnay - the last act or so does drag ona bit and I laughed a whole lot less once the buzz started to wear off. Still this is one hell of a comedy - though it won't be to everyone's taste - you have to really appreciate 70's kitsch and be able to tolerate Ferrell in full comic bluster.