Link: New York City Walk.
An amazing feat and a wonderful site...
Between May 2002 and December 2004, I walked every street on the island of Manhattan. Every darn street. Here you'll find images of the walk and Manhattan 'off the beaten path'. Also an interactive map of my favorite streets.
"...I began visiting as many neighborhoods as I could. One day in April 2002, I turned down 29th street from Fifth Avenue, and found a nice surprise, the Church of the Transfiguration, or the "Little Church Around the Corner". It's a beautiful old building, set back from the street, off the grid. I had heard of it, many years ago it was sort of a tourist attraction. It occurred to me then that the real secrets of Manhattan lie in the smaller east-west streets. Most people get to know the heavily-travelled Avenues, but you might not see the Streets unless you live or work there. I decided to explore them systematically..."