Horrorfandom has spoken in the Third Annual Rondo Awards (named after b-movie icon Rondo Hatton best known for his role as "The Creeper" in such films as The Pearl of Death, House of Horrors and The Brute Man.)
A record 1,614 monster fans voted in this year's Rondo balloting, the biggest online survey of classic horror fans in history. We thank you all!
Winners include...
Best Classic DVD: The Creature from the Black Lagoon Legacy collection
Best Restoration: A restored print of the 1932 version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Magazine of the Year: Video Watchdog
Best Website went to an East Coast horror host perennial, Count Gore DeVol, whose supporters turned out in legions to support his website of film clips, horror quizzes and creature contests.
Best Independent Film: Flip!, a 15-minute reverie on youth and monsters in the 60s, won in a narrow race over films such as Dr. Horror's Erotic House of Idiots -- a fan-studded (and decidely non-erotic), takeoff on horror takeoffs themselves -- and the critically praised remake of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by indie wonder Mark Redfield
Best Movie went to Shaun of the Dead, which beat its closest competitors, Spider-Man 2 and Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, by almost two-to-one.
Visit thr Official Rondo Awards Site for complete nominee and winner info.