Link: Fangoria - Fearful Feature.
Brief but informative article on this year's genre pickings at Sundance.
The Scares of Sundance 2005
It’s always interesting to see what turns up each year at the "Sundance Film Festival. Oftentimes, a movie will seem like an obvious choice; more often than you might expect, however, a film is so awful that you have to wonder if festival papa Robert Redford owed someone a favor...
...Sundance consistently offers its share of genre films—usually in its Midnight Series, which commands that audiences trek through chilly nights and wait in long lines to see what kind of horrors await. This writer still being on New York time, these late-night screenings make for the end of a long day of moviegoing, but the often rowdy (read: drunk) audience—usually paired with an equally raucous film—helps keep tired eyes awake...