This past Christmastide I clued my wife in to the who dollar DVD phenomena and the happy result was a stocking overflowing with these bargain basement gems. I've been meaning to post some reviews but haven't found the time...luckily Aaron Neathery has...and now that I know that Down Among the Z Men is out there somewhere I think it's time for another Dollar Tree road trip....
Link: NEWS: Confessions of a Dollar DVD Junkie....
Sure, you start out with just one or two.. "Say! I was looking for a copy of Rescue From Gilligan's Island!" you say. But, OH no.. You can't just buy the one DVD, can you? I mean, what the hell is Slipstream, anyway? And HOLY CRAP, it has Mark Hamill and Bill Paxton in it!! AND IT'S DIRECTED BY STEVEN "TRON" LISBERGER!!! So into the basket it goes.. and what's this? Cathy's Curse? A 1977 Canadian Exorcist rip-off?? YOW!! And before you know it, you're up to your neck in public domain goodness, cheap cardboard sleeves all over the bloody place.