Link: 113 Horrors for Halloween.
113 Horrors for, or should it have been "by" Halloween is a little exercise in personal growth masquerading as a blog stunt. I'm going to try to watch, and write capsule reviews, of 113 Horror flix between today (Sept. 13th) and Halloween.
Because I've developed a little problem with follow through. My desk and PC are littered with projects embarked upon with great energy and enthusiasm that inevitably dry up and become pretty much abandoned far too early. This project is sort of a test to see if I can actually make it all the way to the end without losing interest, becoming sidetracked, bowing to criticism or any other obstacle that might pop up. Making the goal watching a whole bunch of scary movies makes it fun - posting reviews makes it feel in some way work related.
First three reviews are up now with new ones posted each time I make it through a movie. Hopefully I won't have to resort to critiquing Scooby Doo episodes in order to make it to 113.